RCBS Gold Medal Neck Size Bushing 2-Die Set .308 Win

(14 customer reviews)



Gold Medal die sets feature a Neck Sizer die that uses precision-machined neck bushings (sold separately) to size the case neck just enough provide the exact amount of bullet tension without overworking the brass. The Neck Sizer die sizes only the neck of the case (NOT the shoulder or body) just enought to snugly hold the bullet for extended case life and accuracy.

The Seater Die features a micrometer adjustment knob so that bullet depth can be precisely set and reset. The micrometer is connected to a free floating and self centering bullet seating system and has a convenient bullet loading window for easy loading.

To determine the proper neck bushing size, measure the outside neck diameter of a loaded cartridge and subtract 0.002″ to 0.003″ to allow for a small amount of brass spring back. Shellholder sold separately.


Lifetime Guarantee from RCBS
Gold Medal seating dies may be used on progressive presses, except PPC calibers, 221 Remington Fireball, 22 Hornet.
Gold Medal Match bushing dies will accept bushings made by Hornady, Redding or Wilson in addition to RCBS bushings.

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